Scary Pumpkin 2 Animal News For You : Some fun horse facts.



Saturday, February 20, 2016

Some fun horse facts.

Two horses in a field. The one on the left is a dark brown with black mane and tail. The one on the right is a light red all over.

1. Ponies have thicker mane and tail, and overall coat/fur.
2.The only horses you can call white, are born predominantly white hair coat and pink skin, a fairly rare color.
3. The hoof, is like our nail of a human fingertip or tip of toe, surrounded by cartilage/hard armor like.. and blood-rich soft tissues such as the laminae.

1. Ponier har tykkere man og hale, og samlet frakk / pels.
2. De eneste hestene du kan kalle hvit, er født overveiende hvit pels og rosa hud, en ganske sjelden farge.
 3. hov, er som vår negl fra et menneskes fingertupp eller spissen på tåen, omgitt av brusk / hardt panser .. og blodrikt myk vev
Bilderesultat for hov hest

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